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Brother John


The Brothers of West Surrey Circle salute you and thank you for your 50 years of friendship and service as a member of West Surrey Circle.


We are sorry we cannot join you in person to celebrate this milestone in your Catenian life However, very much in keeping with the ethos of the Catenian Association which has the family at its core, your 50 Year Catenian Medal is being presented to you on behalf of the circle by your daughter, Sarah.


It comes with the love and gratitude of all your Circle Brothers. Thank you again for your years of service not only to the Circle but also the Province. We thank Eileen for all her support over the years and we hope she will enjoy the flowers which are sent with our love.


To accompany your medal, John, a bottle of vino. All your Brothers join in offering you a virtual toastTo 50 wonderful Catenian Years.



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